People often ask, "How can I find more hours in the day." In our busy lives time is a precious commodity. No one seems to have enough time these days. You must remember that you like everyone else has 168 hours in each week. You have the same amount of time Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Susan B. Anthony, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi had. Even though it may not seem like it, time is on your side. You simply need to prioritize that time you have—make better use of your time. It's more about what you do with the time you have—not complaining about not having enough time. One great way to manage your time is by dividing and conquering time itself. This may seem like a lofty goal but it is possible—even easy to do. Divide time into four quadrants or quads. The first column (tasks) is 'Urgent" and the next column is "Not Urgent." The first row (Time) is "Important" and the next row is "Not Important." Each cell contains a number in the upper left corner. The upper left cell is number 1, the cell to the right is 2. The lower left cell is 3, and the last cell is number 4, as shown below. This quad approach is a practical way to map out time. If a task is urgent and important, like a crises, deadline or an important meeting you put in the upper left number 1 cell of the quad. Most of your work duties will go in the number 1 cell. The number three cell of the quad is an area you must watch out for. This quad is where you put all "nonessential" tasks like ‘important" (NOT) e-mails, interruptions and dumb meetings. These are not important but presented as "important" problems that "must" solved "now" or else the world will end. If you spend too much time in quad three you won't get your tasks completed and you will become frustrated. If you spent too much time quad one you will burnt-out and go over to quad four to escape—not getting any of your tasks completed. The most important quad is number two. This is the area where you manage your time. It is vital that you make time to spend time in quad two. If you don't do this and spend most of your time in quads one and three you will be in the hospital—or worse. Or you will constantly escape to quad four—getting nothing done. You must spend as much time as you can in quad two. This is where you are the most creative and productive. This is where you make plans and strategize your success. Make sure that you spend a good chunk of your productive time in the quad two space and you'll be well on your way to better time management. Check out this great video on this time management theory: